Original 88890020 diagnostic adapter vs replica
The review shows results after comparing characteristics of an original 88890020 diagnostic adapter with a Chinese replica. After reading this small comparative study, you will understand why Chinese replicas are cheaper than original equipment.
1. Package
2. Housing
3. Connector
4. Housing mounting hardware
5. Internal housing part
6. Conclusion
1. Package
Examination of package reveals more significant differences.
The producer of the original set uses a sealed package for the device to avoid third party's access to the contents. The package includes a label with device serial number and list of certificates.
The Chinese producer uses a ziplock package for the diagnostic set.
No marking.
2. Housing
При осмотре упаковок, в которых поставляются устройства, заметны более значительные отличия.
The labels on the Chinese replica are outside the designated area.
Sand was found under the label.
This indicates that the adapter was assembled is a dusty facility.
These drawbacks are however not that significant when it comes to device operation. But based on this, one may at least question the build quality.
3. Connector
A close look at the design of cable connectors also reveals significant differences.
The cable is racked up with a reusable clampband.
The replica's cable is less in diameter – the producer used cheaper cables with smaller conductor section. Accordingly, these cables are less reliable. The cable is racked up using a simple wire band.
4. Housing mounting hardware
Differences in the design of plastic parts were found after dismantling the housing. Let us consider those which influence the device's functionality.
The original device uses a screw with a milled nut to prevent loosening of a hole as a result of frequent detachment of the part.
Cable clamp is fixed with a self-tapping screw. This section of the device often gets detached during operation to connect to an automotive on-board network. In our case, this method of connection may become unreliable overtime.
The rubber connector outlet has some defects.
The rear side includes an OBD connector bracket.
5. Internal housing part
After dismantling the housing, the circuit boards were examined.
The Chinese replica uses cheaper inductors, which may result in unstable operation.
Fluxing agent can be found all over the circuit board, indicating poor soldering of components. Also, fluxing agent may lead to corroded circuit board overtime. An electronic chip covered with fluxing agent is shown in the picture above.
Capacitors are dislocated indicating abnormal temperature profile. Accordingly, the quality of component soldering leaves much to be desired.
Such circuit boards should rather be assembled using automated soldering. The board however includes traces of manual work. Large traces of fluxing agent, as can be seen on many components, indicates manual soldering. High rate of defect components can be one of the reasons for this.
Traces of manual soldering.
Fluxing agent on board.
Also, gaps can be seen betweein the capacitors and circuit board, and between the circuit board and housing part.
6. Conclusion
Significant design differences have been found after comparative study of two lookalike devices. A close look at the Chinese replica has revealed both poor circuit board assembly and design defects.
The defects found in the replica adapter may lead not only to failure of the adapter itself, but also result in problems in the functionality of on-board equipment. Therefore, final losses resulted from operating a replica adapter may eventually exceed the price for the device.
As seen from practice, such replica devices' life is typically from several weeks to several months. Besides, it is not subject to repair in a service centre. Accordingly, buyers will have to eventually purchase a new device.
Our technicians recommend only the original 88890020 diagnostic adapter!