13-13Array ( [0] => trucks [1] => buses [2] => agricultural-vehicles [3] => construction-equipment-scanners [4] => tachograph-programmer [5] => adblue-emulators [6] => comparison [7] => original-vocom-88890300-diagnostic-adapter-vs-replica [8] => original-scania-vci-2-diagnostic-adapter-vs-replica [9] => original-88890020-diagnostic-adapter-vs-replica [10] => original-scania-vci-3-diagnostic-adapter-vs-replica [11] => tachograph-programmer-cd-400 [12] => u1-adblue-emulator-for-cummins ) Array ( [0] => gruzoviki [1] => avtobusy [2] => selkhoztekhnika [3] => spetstekhnika [4] => programmatory-takhografov [5] => emulyatory-adblue [6] => compare [7] => vocom-88890300-vs-replica [8] => scania-vci-2-vs-replica [9] => volvo-vcad-interface-88890200-vs-replica [10] => scania-vci-3-vs-replica [11] => programmatory-takhografov-cd-400 [12] => emulyator-u1-adblue-cummins ) https://EasyDiagnostic.Net/knowledgebase/u1-adblue-emulator-for-cummins/



U1 AdBlue emulator for Cummins

With NOx sensor imitation you can fully demoun the SCR system from the truck.No needs to buy AdBlue liquid. After Adblue module installation you can demount SCR system from the truck and other systems will work properly.


SCR system deactivation will give you less machinery downtime in the workshop and there will cause no problem with SCR system on the road. 

Attention! Using AdBlue emulator will cause higher air pollution.