Original Scania VCI 2 diagnostic adapter vs replica
The review shows results after comparing characteristics of an original Scania VCI 2 diagnostic adapter with a Chinese replica. After reading this small comparative study, you will understand why Chinese replicas are cheaper than original equipment.
It is quite the opposite in the Chinese replica. The USB cable is short, so you will not be able to locate your laptop outside of the cabin, unless you put the adapter on the floor. As often the case in repair shops, this may lead to damage to the device.

OBD II cable is long, whereas USB cable is short.

OBD II cable is short, whereas USB cable is long.
1. Package
The Chinese replica is supplied in a plastic box, whereas the original is supplied in a plastic bag. With the box, the Chinese replica is more attractive to buy. But a more detailed look is necessary to reveal all pros and cons of the two devices.

The original is supplied in a sealed plastic bag with a label containing product information and list of certificates.

The device is supplied in a non-sealed plastic box.

All additional accessories should be purchased from a dealer.

Package contents: device, CD, memory stick, a set of cables with an adapter.
Inside the case, the components are organized without padding, so they are subject to damage during transportation.
The package and its contents are not sealed.
2. Housing
Let us have a look at the housings.

The original housing is metal to protect the device from mechanical damage during operation.

The housing is plastic, therefore the device is lighter than the original device. It means that the device is more likely to be damaged during operation.
The label is not square and overlaps indicator holes at some places.
The label size and dedicated are do not match.
The cable is thinner, conductor section is smaller, which means poor data transmission via CAN-bus.


There are labels with warranty sealings on the housing.
Есть шина заземления.

There is no warranty information on the labels.

OBD II connector is impregnated with rubber.
There is marking on the connector.

There is no marking on the plastic OBD II connector.
3. Circuit board
After getting to the circuit board, the first thing you will see is that the replica's board is significantlly different from the original one. The microcircuit chips are the same, but all other electronic parts are different. Apart from different components, the microcircuit has also been modified. Therefore, it is not clear whether the replica has the same features as the original does.

LEDs use lenses to direct the light.

НWith flat LEDs, the light scatters over greater area. Considering the fact that the label with LED holes is not square enough, the device's indicators are poorly seen.
Processor/ USB microcircuit data is rubbed out. This is probably to prevent copying of the device by other Chinese producers.
The simplified microcircuit may result in unstable or improper operation, failure of automotive on-board equipment or other equipment.
Some fluxing agent can be seen on the circuit board indicating poor soldering. One can see that many components were soldered manually. This is due to high rate of defect components. After assembly and test, those are soldered manually.

The capacitor is pressed by the connector as a result of wrong wiring of the circuit board. This can cause mechanical damage to the capacitor.
4. Conclusion
Despite the fact that the device is not complex, the Chinese replica is not even close to the original device. Moreover, the Chinese producer has modified the microcircuit in such a way that one may hardly tell what functions are lack here.
The examination of the Chinese device also revealed some factors which may lead to damage to connected devices.


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