Original Scania VCI 3 diagnostic adapter vs replica
The review shows results after comparing characteristics of an original Scania VCI 3 diagnostic adapter with a Chinese replica. After reading this small comparative study, you will understand why Chinese replicas are cheaper than original equipment.
1. Package
The Chinese replica is supplied in a cardboard box that assumably was not designed for the device in question. There is too much empty space in the box. The device however can fit in the box only diagonally. If you put it horizontally, the cable output bends and may be damaged thereby.
The device is supplied in a sealed plastic bag.
The package contains device information and list of certificates.
The device is supplied in a cardboard box.
There is no information on the package contents.
The device and package contents are not sealed.
Package contents: device, CD, 2 labels to be put on the housing by customer.
Inside the box, the components are organized without padding, so they are subject to damage during transportation.
All additional accessories should be purchased from a dealer.
2. Devices appearance
The both devises look very similar, a thorough examination however reveals important differences of the Chinese replica, which affect its life, as compared to the original device. USB connector lacks any protection plug, OBD connector lacks the important latch.
There are labels on the device.
USB connector includes a protection plug.
OBD connector include a metal latch to fix the connector.
There are no labels on the device.
USB connector lacks a protection plug.
OBD connector lacks latch, there is a plastic imitation instead which can not fix the device. Thus, the OBD connector may simply fall off.
One may see gaps between plastic and metal parts of the housing.
Low quality molding: cable insulation is defected.
3. Housing
After disassembling the Chinese replica's housing, more drawbacks and defects were revealed.
All screws are of the same shape.
There are no screws from the side of the cap.
The plastic caps include a sealing to ensure waterproofness of the circuit board within the housing.
Part of the screws which hold the circuit board are fractured. They are not able to ensure reliable holding.
Plastic caps do not include pads, this results in gaps at places where they contact the housing. This means no waterproofness there.
4. Circuit board
In general, the Chinese circuit board could be a good copy. The examination however revealed a number of drawbacks.
Interface cable wires are connected to the circuit board via separate connectors to ensure more reliable connection.
Wires are stripped by machine, so no defects were found.
Shielded cable for crosstalk protection.
Automatic soldering.
Wi-Fi antenna is larger than the replica's. It means larger distance range.
ПThe interface cable wires are soldered to the circuit board. This means the producer saved money on connectors and not reliable connection.
Wires were stripped manually. This can be seen by a cut in one of the cables.
No shielding was provided, meaning there is no crosstalk protection.
Many components were soldered manually, which indicates high rate of defect components. After assembly and test, those are soldered manually.
Wi-Fi antenna is smaller than the original's. It means smaller distance range.
Fluxing agent can be seen on the circuit board indicating poor soldering.
Marking on some microcircuit chips is rubbed out to protect it from copying by other Chinese producers.
Some of the LEDs are not square. Moreover, they are wrong-placed.
5. Conclusion
After the comparative study of the two diagnostic adapters: Scania VCI 3 and its Chinese replica, one may conclude that, despite similar appearance, the replica has a number of drawbacks and can not be recommended.
The replica is not easy-to-use, for example, the OBD connector lacks a latch. The adapter is made of poor quality materials and electronic components. Gaps in the housing indicate poor assembly and lack of waterproofness.